Awareness & Policy Approach

Before a organization gets involved with having a social media presence; the company needs to understand the risks that are associated with it. Equally if not more important is the application of an efficient social media policy, in attempt to govern information from the inside-out. 

Why Should I Care About Privacy on Social Media?

Social media creates threats to an organization through hackers prowling using shortened URLs which are created with They can also use spyware on other smart devices such as tablets, mobile devices and iPads via downloads. Then the spyware gives the hacker the user’s information based on information given on social media accounts. Therefore, this can give hackers access to your email account(s), just clicking forgot password on websites when signing in.

Here are some tips to help protect privacy on social media:
1. Create strong passwords that contain alphanumeric data, that can be difficult to guess. E.g. Ihampti4yo9$$ or Ila&c9$$.
2. Always review social media accounts and notifications and monitor settings to protect sensitive data on the account
3. Make sure to install a good anti-spyware AND anti-virus software that will protect your machine from spyware, malware, and other security threats
4. ALWAYS UPDATE current applications, passwords, operating systems and patches!

As an organization its important to be aware of data mining as well.  The video below shows aspects that an organization should be aware of when having a social media profile. 



Social Media & Employee Policy

While social media is predominantly perceived as a personal activity, poor security habits and inappropriate use of networking sites can have a lasting, damaging effect on a business’ security and reputation.In regard to protecting your business' reputation, the National Labor Relations ACT (NLRA) does not protect employees who post maliciously false, offensive or inappropriate comments about their employer or clients. The video below shows some of the social media policy best practices:


Click here to quiz yourself on social media privacy!